Wednesday, March 15, 2006

No Está Muerto Lo Que Yace Eternamente...

Un día como hoy, allá por 1937, el alma de H. P. Lovecraft abandonaba esta realidad para ingresar al reino de la inmemorial Kadath, donde seguramente sus pesadillas se habrán transformado finalmente en hermosos, ciclópeos e inenarrables sueños...

"And in the twilight, as the stars came out one by one and the moon cast on the marsh a radiance like that which a child sees quivering on the floor as he is rocked to sleep at evening, there walked into the lethal quicksands a very old man in tattered purple, crowned with whithered vine-leaves and gazing ahead as if upon the golden domes of a fair city where dreams are understood. That night something of youth and beauty died in the elder world..."

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